Never underestimate the connections formed in early childhood! Alexander Yarkhan was enrolled at the ELC full time from age one to six, and then returned as a summer camper during his first few years of elementary school. Now a senior at L & N Stem Academy, Alexander has chosen to return to the ELC to complete his Eagle Scout service project this year. He is interested in pursuing a project at the ELC because it “would both be interesting and sentimental since it would be me going back to my beginnings”. Alexander has spent the summer coordinating with his former teacher, Elizabeth DeMartino Newton, and Program Director Kathy Kidd, along with his Eagle Scout team, to design a garden installation to support current and future children on the natural playground at the White Ave. ELC. As he has measured, shared designs, revised dimensions, and examined locations for the installation, the children got intrigued. Alexander and Elizabeth shared some of the plans with the children and some of the children even took a turn collecting measurements and consulting on location. They are eager to see how the project takes shape, and so are we! Stay tuned to follow our progress!